Monday, October 28, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 34 of 39 part 6

John 3:21
"But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest,..."
The ones that do come to the light are willing to let their deeds be seen, because the Light is now dealing with them. And remember Who the Light of Scripture is, the Lord Jesus Himself, He does not deal with a person who wants salvation in His wrath and judgment, but instead He deals with the sinner in Grace and mercy, and compassion, in Love and through love. And He says, "You’re the one I’m looking for. I’ve loved you, I do love you, and I want you for myself," and all we have to do is step into the Light and we begin to understand all things.......But this is what is required of us....our willingness to passing through the dark night of death, death to all self rule, self-will, self-contentedness, and an evil vile imagination. We have to turn from self and a vain imagination to God as a living offering which is holy acceptable unto Him, our reasonable service of spiritual worship. This is called being a doer of His Will and Word of Law. This is what Saul of Tarsus did on the Damascus road. He empties himself of all Jewish Self and received Love, Grace and Truth within him, so that he could say it is NO longer the self of I that lives but it is the Lord Christ Who now Lives His spiritual Life in me.

John 3:21
"But he that doeth the truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, (that they can be seen for what they really are) that they are wrought in God."
Of course the deeds that permeate from God Himself would be the good deeds as a result of our stepping into the Light! As we have outlined above and throughout this blog. And a little further in John the Lord tells us, "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!" As such His is drawing all mankind to Himself as His inheritance and this is seen in Psalms 2:6-8. When we have so become an heir of Christ, God's working in us is wrought, actuated and can be seen or known by all. We become the peculiar people of God's original intent and purpose for mankind. The people of God which Israel failed to do and become because of self-will, a hard-heart and a cluttered and disoriented mind. That is to say, a vain imagination of thought, the speck in our eye which keeps us from seeing and hearing God.

Ephesians 5:13
"But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light."
So the whole secret for our Christian experience is that we rest on the knowledge that comes from the Light. And the Light of the world is Christ!
We have received comments on our Face book wall which said something like this, "For the first time in my life I am reading my Bible and understanding it." What more could we ask for? If we can just get people to realize that this is not a closed Book, it is not to be a dusty old Book, or a bunch of old fables told around a campfire. But rather this is the miraculous Word of God, and it fits so beautifully from cover to cover as it all just dovetails together, when once we have stepped into the Light. We can understand it, when we separate the Scriptures. But if we have chosen to remain under the rock in darkness then the Bible remains in darkness and a mystery to us. We retain the vain imagination of an evil heart which clouds our understanding of all things now spiritual. God wants us to grow in understand and knowledge of Him as the Spirit of Life and that we are to be a spiritual being not merely a physical being in a temporal material world.

As you are probably realizing by now, that if you do not keep Paul’s little Epistles, his teaching to the primarily Gentile Body of Christ for our doctrine, separate from the teachings for the nation of Israel, by the Old Testament prophets. Then Christ and His earthly ministry teachings, as we see in Matthew 15:24, and Romans 15:8, then you will never fully understand this tremendous Book. 
But oh when you do see how Paul reveals from the mysteries that were given only to him that we are saved by Faith + Nothing, how we are baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ the moment we believe this Gospel, as outlined in 1Corinthians 15:1-4. And then how as believers we are citizens of heaven, waiting for the Departure of the Church. So we can be caught up bodily to be with Christ, to go home with Him, and live with Him forever, then this Book becomes so exciting that we truly enjoy reading it.    

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