Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 33 of 39 part 2

1John 2:1b
"...And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:"
The point we want you to see is the same terminology that Paul uses, "as dear children", John uses the term, “my little children”. Back to Ephesians chapter 5. We as true believers, are members of the Family of God as children, and we are to walk differently because we are set apart from the rest of the world. (Special note, Israel was to have set this pattern but failed to do so because they took on the nature and character of the world and the paganism around them.) Remember the illustration given of the Navy Seals, the men who are Seals know each other. Even in public and in their respective work environments not by a banner, as they carry no badges to distinguish themselves, but in the way they carry themselves. The average John Joe public does not know them, they do nothing to stand out. God knows us because He has been restored within us and that is all that matters to Him and it should be all that matters to us as well.

The Man Christ Jesus is our advocate with the Father and His ontological essence is what makes us righteous. This righteousness is not seen by the world but can be known because it is a fruit of His Spirit within. Our conversation bears proof of this, though we say nothing. We do not need to carry our Bible around with us to make people feel uncomfortable, His presences within and around us, as glory (being clothed in Christ) does that. Besides when we walk in Love people know that also, as these are our badge of the fruit of His character restored. The witness that a Son of God even though only a child, is among us.

Ephesians 5:2a
"And walk in love,..."
Remember a lesson or two back? I said, as a young person growing up, one of the things that motivated me, as much as anything else was to behave myself, because of love for our Dad and Moms. I mean we were together from the time I was able to walk until almost the day may Dad died, as we worked side by side, and I loved him. I respected both of them because they are my parents. Though we lived miles apart we still held the bound of love and respect. And yet I regret it, because we were from that kind of a German background where we didn’t show that love openly. Even to this day we are not huggers, because we didn’t grow up in that kind of a family environment. We never touched or kissed each other, but my goodness, Dad and grandpa and I loved each other and I wouldn’t do anything that would have hurt either of them or Mom. 

All right, this is to be our attitude toward the Lord. He has loved us so much that He suffered and died for us, and we are to love Him in return with all our being. But how is true Love developed? By learning and getting to know the targeted person of that Love. So Paul says, "Here’s your motivation as dear children, walk in love." Remember back in chapter 2, verse 2 Paul uses the same terminology, only then we were in the world before redemption, no while still in Redemption. The corral where we begin to learn Christ and love is developed through learning and then knowing Him the target of the Holy Spirits teaching and gently, patiently leading us.

Ephesians 2:1b-2a
"...who were dead in trespasses and sins; Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world..." 
After we have passed through Redemption's work we as believers are to walk according to the leading of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. This then is our Salvation walking by the Spirit where we worship in Spirit and Truth with much Love and adoration of highly valuing Him Who now resides within us, as a little child would.

Ephesians 5:1-2
"Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children*; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour (aroma)."**
*it’s just like a child who loves his parents, and the parent love his children, and this should be our relationship. **No longer an animal sacrifice but our praise from the heart and often our lips when in the Spirit or out of spirit, for this pleases God.
Such as an incense or maybe a perfume that would come from flowers. That was what His offering and sacrifice was to God in reality. Even though the cross was a horrible place to look at physically, and the suffering that He went though, but you see the end result was our redemption and then the working of salvation for countless numbers of sinful people. It won’t be as many souls as we would like to think, but nevertheless that work of the cross is having it’s fruition in the Salvation, when Salvation has done or started it perfect work, of multitudes throughout the last 2000 years. We must understand that both Redemption and Salvation are a working of the New Covenant in the person of Christ. That is why Paul in Hebrews states it is a far Better Covenant then the Old one ever was.

So our spiritual worship becomes then a sweet aroma to God because of what Christ has done. And the fact, which Paul so well brings out, our sacrifice in Christ on the tree, our alter of worship and praise with great rejoicing of heart. We like to use as many Scriptures as we can, so go on over to the book of Philippians chapter 2. This passage fits so perfectly as we walk as dear children, then naturally it becomes a mental thing, as everything we do starts in the heart (soul/spirit) and then works its way toward our mind. So now Paul instructs us how this all has to work.    

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