Friday, October 18, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 33 of 39 part 5

Before we go into Romans 7, I must direct your attention to Psalm 69:7-12, 19-20 and listen attentively to what David says in these verses, because what he is saying is a conversation between God as Father and Christ as the Son. This conversation took place in the counsel of Father and Christ during the council of predetermination when the books of Life and the book of secret/mysteries were written, before the worlds were framed. These books were then sealed but note with a wax type seal as David could not have broken that kind of seal but he as a prophet had accesses to it like Daniel and the other prophets did. For they heard with spiritual ears and understood, had knowledge of, with spiritual understanding but were told not to reveal these things because the predetermined time had not come. So they remained sealed until John the Baptist came as the herald of Jesus, in the spirit of Elijah. Jesus after His ascension called out Saul of Tarsus through whom He chose to reveal the secret/mysteries of the kingdom of heaven and God. The things He spoke of to His disciples and the children of Israel (as the lost sheep) in parables, which hid the meaning. Just as Hosea in 12:10 states and Psalm 2 reveals. Which we know as the New Covenant of Grace, the Church Age extended to all because God's pearl (knowledge of understanding of the circle of Life, the wheel within a wheel) is hidden in all and He Wills to be the All in all. Which is Christ restored in our soul/spirit, as in Genesis 2:7 and then 1:27 after our falling to sleep or extraction. 
We must also know that after Jesus had taken the old testament saint's into the heavenliest that He returned and talked with or opened the disciples understanding of all things which spoke or revealed Him within the old writings as stated in Luke 24:44-50. Jesus stated a warning in Matthew 7:5-6, He also made a puzzling statement in Matthew 8:10-12 and both of these should through a thorough search of scripture to be understood by us all.

Romans 7:7
"What shall we say then? Is the law sin? (is the law in itself evil?) God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin*, but by the law: for I had not known lust, (desire) except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet."
*my old Adamic nature, of self-rule, in my flesh, which is really what sin is. He said I would not have ever known about my old Adam nature. This is the foundation of revelation upon which Christ said that He builds His Family, Body, the Church. Which consists of those who have willingly emptied themselves of all that can be known as self, self-ruled.
Over the years we have always taught that you can hardly commit a single sin against God without coveting (desiring, lusting after) first? That is why Paul will constantly refer to coveting, because it is the bench mark for everything else. Idolatry is the overwhelming desire for that which has been forbidden. And religion fails at its center, because it promotes the idolatry of self. For God hates all false religion along with all the practices man has devised to carry out its practice. It is the same way back here in the book of Ephesians.

Ephesians 5:3
"But fornication*, and all uncleanness, or covetousness**, Let it not be once named among you as becometh saints;"
*spiritually speaking is idolatry as we have seen in Israel's history. **desires that are not good, self gratification, idolatry.
Remember back in Numbers 25 and verse 1 where Israel went whoring around with the Moabites, the descendants of Lot. Where Israel joined themselves to Baalpeor what was the Lord's words to Moses? “Hung the heads of the people against the sun before Him until His great anger be turned from Israel.” That is strong language in anyone’s book, so the Lord hates all sin because its not an external thing but is an internal spiritual thing. Then Paul goes on and lists some more of these terrible sins. Oh my, as we look at those listed we can see the bag is full isn’t it?

Ephesians 5:4
"Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient (normal): but rather (use your breath to) giving of thanks."
We have had people come to us with this verse and say, "You mean it’s not right for us to tell a joke, and have a good laugh?" No, that is not what that verse means. Man, nobody appreciates a good laugh any more than I do. There is nothing wrong with a good laugh, it is healthy for us. My goodness David had all kinds of opportunity to rejoice, and Paul says in Philippians to rejoice, we do not have to walk around with a stoic, long face. We do not have to walk around like death has just been warmed over on us. But when it comes to foolishness, and course jesting which is the filthy thinking and speaking as the world or worldly, such as common man speaks. Then, no, we are not to have it because it just does not fit, God's character and personality. There is NO virtue of holiness in it. Most of the time it is directed toward some body and is demeaning of them.

Rather we are to use our breath and tongue to give thanks, and to edify and exhort. Let’s look at that for a moment in chapter 4 of Philippians. This is one of the best two verses on prayer in the whole Bible. When people ask about prayer this is the first place that we should take them. These are absolutely the best verses on prayer. 

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