Friday, July 26, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", as revealed in Philippians 3:17; with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Paul now tells the folks in Philippi that they can mimic him if they have a mind too. So lets drop back in to see what we can discover by way of revelation of Christ in these folks. Beginning at verse 17, and here again Paul gives a word of warning, and again I am all most lead to go on into chapter 4 with this. Just a note, it is interesting what revelations we learn when we know the root meanings of simple words and a few phrases, when properly translated or when they are shown as they mean and not just assumed to be, As many of them are not used in our every day use and understanding. When these basis principles are applied the Message of the Bible becomes so profound and alive within us.

Philippians 3:17-21 "Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) For our conversation[2] is[3] in heaven; from[4] whence also we look for[5] the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself." (KJV)

Philippians 3:17-21 "Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk not according to the example you have in us. For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. For our citizenship[2] is[3] in heaven, and from[4] it we await[5] a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself." (ESV)

Philippians 3:17-21 "You are free to mimic me as we together impact the lives of many others to follow in our footsteps. As you know I am often moved to tears when talking about these things; I an so passionate about the revelation of humanity's redeemed innocence that it makes no sense to me that there can still be people who oppose this message. Many are openly hostile and indifferent to the cross of Christ. Do they not realize that the old DIY Law-system leads to self-destruction? All their devotion to the god of their religious appetites, endorses their shame; yet they seem to have no problem with it since their minds are seared with [1]sin-consciousness. ("[1]Earthy things" in this case refers to the fallen mindset rule by a heavy sin awareness of, "sin-consciousness." Look at Colossians 3:1-3, Hebrews 10:1, 19-22) Our [2]citizenship is refenced in our joint position with Christ in heavenly places! Heaven is not our goal, it is our [3]starting point! (Genesis 1:26-27 reveal this) Our understanding is [4]source in a Savior; we [5]fully embrace the Lord Jesus Christ! (The word, [2, G4175 from G4176, to be have as a citizen, from a middle voice of a derivative of G4177, a townsmen, from G4172, citizen] politeuma, means common wealth, our social identity. The word, [3, G5225 from G5259, the agency, and G756, to commence ] uparcho, means to make a beginning, starting point, place of origin. The word translated source is the word, [4, G1537] ek, place of origin. To fully embrace, [5, G553 from G575+G1537 and G1551 from G1537 and G1209 ] apekdechomai, is from (G575) apo, away from [that which defines me before] and (G1537) ek, out of, source; and (G1209) dechomai, to take into ones hands to accept whole heartily, to fully embrace.) The salvation that Jesus is the author of, re-fashions these bodies of clay (Genesis 2:6-7) and elevates us to fully participate in the same pattern of his heavenly glory! The severe contradiction that we might often face in the frailty of the flesh, is by far surpassed by the glorious splendor displayed in his human body raised from the dead; according to the working of GOD'S dynamic power he imprinted the mirror pattern of his likeness in us (in Genesis 1:26-27). Thus he subdues all things to himself. (Paul's quest to fully comprehend this power of the resurrection (3:10) is consistent with his prayer in Ephesians 1:19-23 (The Mirror), "I pray that you will understand beyond all comparison the magnitude of his mighty power at work [6]in us who believe." Faith reveals how enormously advantaged we are in Christ. [The preposition [6, G1519] eis, speaks of a point reached in conclusion.] it is the same dynamic energy which GOD unleashed in Christ when he raised him (and our co-raising within him) from the dead and forever established him in the power of his own right hand in the realm of the heavens. Infinitely above all the combined forces of rule, authority, dominion, or governments; he is ranked superior to any name that could ever be given to anyone of this age or any age still to come in the eternal future. I want you to see this: he subjected all these powers under his feet (ours of his faith as well). He towers head and shoulders above everything. He is the head; the [7]church is his body. The completeness of his being that fills all in all resides within us! [ The word, [7, G1577 from a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2564 ] Ekklesia, comes from (G1537) ek, a preposition always denoting origin, and (G ) klesia from (G2564, a calling out, akin to G2564) kaleo, to identify by name, to surname; thus the "church" is his redeemed of humanity's image and likeness awaken in our human form.]
Look again at Philippians 2:6-10, (The Mirror) "His being GOD'S equal in form and likeness was official; his sonship did not steal the limelight from his Father! Neither did his humanity distract from the deity of GOD! His mission however, was not to prove his deity but to embrace our humanity. He emptied himself into a physical human form; born in our resemblance he identified himself as the servant of the human race. His agape enslaved him to us! And so we have the drama of the cross in context: the man Jesus Christ who is fully GOD, became fully man to the extent of willingly dying humanity's death at the of his own creation. He embraced the curse and shame of the lowest kind in dying a criminal's death. From this place of utter humiliation, GOD exalted him to the highest rank. GOD graced Jesus with a Name that is far [8]above as well as equally representative of every other name; [ The word, [8, G5228] uper, means over, above, also instead, or for the sake of. The name of Jesus endorses his mission as fully accomplished! He is the Savior of the world! Look also at Ephesians 3:15, Every family in heaven and on earth originates in him; his is humanity's family name and he remains the authentic identity of every nation.] What his name unveils will persuade every creature of their redemption! To this every knee in heaven and upon the earth and under the earth shall bow in spontaneous worship! Ephesians 4:8, Scripture confirms that he led us as trophies in his triumphant procession on high; he [9]repossessed his gift (likeness, awaken) in humanity. (Look also at Ephesians 2:6, "We are also elevated in his ascension to be equally welcome in the Throne room of the heavenly realm where we are now seated together with him in his authority. Quote from Hebrews text, Psalm 68:18, [9] lakachta mattanoth baadam, thou hast taken gifts in human form, in Adam. [These gifts which Jesus Christ distributes to us he has received in us, as us, by virtue of his incarnation. Taken from Adam Clarke's Bible Commentary] We are born anew in his resurrection. 1Peter 1:3, Hosea 6:2) (The Mirror)

Okay, we are now ready for the next chapter, the LORD willing. Until then may the LORD increase our understanding of him and his revelation.

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