Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", as shown in Colossians Introduction; from the standpoint of a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

In the wee hours before day break of this morning, I was rehearsing the matter of what took place yesterday, while I was entering a local store and witnessed to the revelation of Christ to some young men, they were selling "Religious" T-shirts for there church. I had asked them, some thought provoking questions, to get their spirit awakened, one of which was the meaning of "redemption." Well, this morning early, I hear the LORD say, "exonerated." So I had to look it up and found its origin is Latin, the word, has two parts, the first is "ex," meaning: to to remove, from ex-off, the second is "onero, a burden or load, thus we have, ex-off or to ex-load, ex-burden or to be clear of responsibility or blame. The Greek word closest to it is redeem, or redemption. However Jesus said this in Matthew 11:30 (KJV) "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." The KJV+ shows this: "ForG1063 myG3450 yokeG2218 is easy,G5543 andG2532 myG3450 burdenG5413 isG2076 light.G1645" Here we have burden, Greek is (G5413 from G5414), phortion, means: invoice, its a diminutive of (G5414 from G5342), phortos, to carry, this is from (G5342), pherō̄, is a verb meaning: to bear. Christ carried the invoice or changes against us (2Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:4-5).
In Titus 2:14 we find this in the KJV first and then the KJV+: "Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." Now the KJV+: "WhoG3739 gaveG1325 himselfG1438 forG5228 us,G2257 thatG2443 he might redeemG3084 usG2248 fromG575 allG3956 iniquity,G458 andG2532 purifyG2511 unto himselfG1438 a peculiarG4041 people,G2992 zealousG2207 of goodG2570 works.G2041" This one is loaded with strong word meanings but I will limit it in scope to one. Our target word is redeem, (G3084 from G3083) lutroō, means ransom, (G3083 from G3089) lutron, to loosen, (G3089) luō, means: to dissolve, to completely destroy. Here we can see that the LORD said, exonerated to me. Meaning, I am, become innocence of all possible charges against me, for these very charges have been paid in full and are forever eliminated from our past existence forever clean, a clean and cleared slate is part of grace. And like his mercies, are new every morning, so is our covenant of grace new every morning. This is the mission of the gospel of Christ's mystery, the secret things of Deuteronomy 29:29. Okay, lets get back to our mission of looking into Paul's taking us to further revelations of Christ, on the next higher level.

The forward given in The Mirror Study Bible.

In this marvelous work, Paul continues to eloquently celebrate the perfection of GOD'S work in Christ in redeeming his likeness in us. his aim is to make the mystery of the gospel known in its most accurate context; the unveiling of Christ in us completes our every expectations. Paul sees the whole world as his audience! He has no other agenda but to reveal Christ in the nations!

Colossians 1:28 "This is the essence and focus of our message; we awaken every person's spirit mind, instructing every individual by bringing them into full understanding (flawless clarity) in order that we may prove (present) everyone perfected in Christ."

Colossians 1:15 "In him the image and likeness of GOD is made visible in human life; in order that everyone may recognize their true origin in him; he is the firstborn of every (human) creature." (What darkness veiled from our view he unveils. In him we clearly see the mirror reflection (no longer a shadowy image form) of our original life. The Son of his agape gives accurate evidence of his image in humanity's form. GOD can never again be invisible!)

Colossians 2:9-10 "Christ reveals that there is no place in the universe where GOD would rather be; his fullness physically resides in Christ! Jesus proves that human life is tailor-made for GOD! Jesus Christ (is the vehicle that provided access and restored humanity to its origin) mirrors our completeness; he is I am in us."

Any teaching that leaves you with a sense of lack and imperfection rather than completeness is a distraction from truth.

Colossians 2:16 "Do not let anyone therefore bring a restriction to your freedom by reviving religious rules and regulations pertaining to eating and drinking; all Jewish festivals, new moons, and Sabbaths have come to an end in Christ!"

The religious facades that disguise the Law of works as a means of defining a person's life, was openly defeated. The success of the Cross will never be silenced!

Colossians 3:1 "Since you are in fact raised together with Christ, relocate yourselves mentally; engage your thoughts with Throne room realities!"

Colossians 4:4 "My sincere desire is that my message will accurately unveil the mystery of Christ in its most complete context. You! This is the mission of my life!" (Ephesians 3:9) (The Mirror)

Because of the length of my introduction I will leave this here and not go into Colossians 1, here. So until our next visit may the LORD GOD work his works in you and yours, by His mighty perfection as restored sons and daughters of GOD'S indwelling. By the action of  his fullness of exoneration!

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