Sunday, July 28, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", as shown in Philippians 4:4; from the standpoint of a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

I had a thought earlier this morning and here it is. For many years the Bible and GOD'S revelation of Christ in mankind, was unknown to say the least, seemed so distant and far away. Because of how the message of Christ, it contains, was presented. It was not until the summer of 2007, when we acted on what GOD spoke to us back in 1985 by inspiration, that this view (vision) of Christ in humanity all changed. For me that was a period of some 60 years of church life. Oh we used the usual religious words and cliches, like everyone else who is churched does. Some people becoming so hardened by the religion that they become no heavenly good by the repeated brain washings of church doctrines. These people are narrow minded in a very bad way because the Holy Spirit does not do things that way, no not at all! Continuing now where we left off in our last visit.

Philippians 4:4-7, 8-9 "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation[1] be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful[2] for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding[3], shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true[4], whatsoever things are honest[5], whatsoever things are just[6], whatsoever things are pure[7], whatsoever things are lovely[8], whatsoever things are of good report[9]; if there be any virtue[10], and if there be any praise[11], think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." (KJV)

Philippians 4:4-7, 8-9 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness[1] be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; Do not be anxious[2] about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding[3], will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true[4], whatever is honorable[5], whatever is just[6], whatever is pure, whatever is lovely[7], whatever is commendable[8], if there is any excellence[9], if there is anything worthy[10] of praise[11], think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." (ESV)

Philippians 4:4-7, 8-9 "Joy is not a luxury option; joy is our constant! Our union in the LORD is our permanent source of delight; so I might as well say it again, rejoice in the LORD always! Show perfect [1]courtesy towards all people! The LORD is not nearer to some than what he is to others! (Courtesy, [1, G1933 from G1909 and G1503 ] epieikes, appropriate, moderation, is from (G1909) epi, indicating continues influence upon, and (G1503) eikos, reasonable, courteous. This is exactly Paul's attitude towards the idol worshipping Greek philosophers in Acts 17:27-28. Look also at Titus 3:3. Our joy makes the gospel visible! Every definition of distance is cancelled! All become nearness. As a loving dotting father and mother with their children.) Let no anxiety about anything [2]distract you! rather translate moments into prayerful worship, and soak your requests in gratitude before GOD! (The word, [2, G3309 is from G3308, from G3307 ] merimnao, is anxiety, through the idea of (G3308) distraction, is from (G3307) meritzo, to divide. Our requests do not surprise GOD; he knows our thoughts from afar and is acquainted with all our ways; yet he delights in our conversation and childlike trust! Song of Songs 2:14; Matthew 6:8) And in this place of worship and gratitude we will witness how the peace of GOD washes over us and within echos our awareness of our oneness in Christ Jesus beyond the reach of any thought that could possibly unsettle us. (uperecho) Just like the [3]sentry guard secures a city, our watching out in advance for the first signs of any possible threat, our hearts deepest feeling and the tranquility of our thoughts are fully guarded there. (This peace is not measured by external circumstances, it is resident deep in our innermost parts of our being. We are not talking about a fragile sense of peace that can easily be disturbed; one that we have to fabricate ourselves; this is GOD'S peace; the peace that GOD himself enjoys!)
Now let this be our conclusive [3]reasoning: consider that which is [4]true about everyone as evidenced in Christ. Live [5]overwhelmed by GOD'S opinion of you! Acquaint yourselves with this revelation of his [6]righteousness; realize GOD'S likeness in you. Make it your business to declair humanity's redeemed [7]innocence. Think [8]friendship. Discover how [9]famous everyone is in the light of this gospel; humanity is in GOD'S limelight! Ponder how [10]elevated you are in Christ. Study [11]stories that celebrate life. (Look at Colossians 3:3, (The Mirror) "Engage your thoughts with Throne room realities where we are co-seated together with Christ!" The word, [3, G3049 from G3056 a middle voice] logitsomai, suggests a logical reasoning by taking everything into account; [4, G227 from G1 (as a negative particle) and G2990, hide, to be ignorant of, unaware of] alethes, means that which was hidden, but is now uncovered, revealed, made known; In Ephesians 3:21, Paul speaks about the truth as it is embodied in Jesus. The word overwhelmed is, [5, G4586 from G4576 ] semnos, venerable, is from (G4576) sebomai, to revere, to adore. the word for righteousness is [6, G1342 from G1349] dikaios, by implication innocent, is from (G1349) dikay, means two parties finding likeness in each other, where there is no sense of inferiority, suspicion, blame, regret or pressure to perform. The gospel is the revelation of our righteousness, is of GOD; it declares how GOD succeeded to place humanity "right," in right standing with him. it is about what GOD did right, not what Adam did wrong ( as is pushed by religion). Look at Romans 1:17. The word, [7, G53 from the same as G40, compare G53, [H2282]; sacred ] hagnos, speaks of blameless innocence. The word, [8, G4375 from a presumed compound of G4314, destination, and G5368, be a friend from G5384, dear] prophileo, is exactly what it says, pro-friendship. The English word for famous is derived from the Greek word, [9, G2163, report, from G2095 and G5345] euphemos, is from (G2095) eu, well done, good and (G5345, fame, from G5346 from G5457 5316, to shine, to make known, G142) phemos, it means to be in the lime light, from (G5457) phao, to shine; Jesus said, "you are the light of the world." Just like a city set on a hill, your light cannot be hid. The word, [10, G703, vitrue, from the same as G730 from G142 ] arete, is often translated, virtue, taken from (G142) airo, to raise up, to elevate;  [11, G1868 from G1909 and the base of G134 ] epainos, commendable, praise worthy, is from (G1909) epi, indicating continual influence upon, and (G134) ainos, story.) These things are consistent with all that I teach and live by; you can confidently practice what you hear and see in me. The peace that inevitably follows this lifestyle is more than a fuzzy feeling; this is GOD himself endorsing our oneness with him." (The Mirror)

Boy! Is this a mouth full of the flesh or the living bread of Christ Jesus for one day. May the LORD give his blessing on you and yours as you take this all in.

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