Thursday, December 5, 2019

Intro 4 to "The Secret of GOD", as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Continuing with our deep dive into the Revelation of Christ as written in the Mirror Study Bible from a born again persons perspective once they've broken away from the worlds religious systems. That have been infiltrated by the knowledge of the tree of good and evil and the poisonous fruit of "I am-not." The fruit of Israel's unbelief, which was the one of the purposes for Israel birthing among GOD'S humanity of nations. More on this later as we dig into the scriptures mysteries of Revelation.

The Mirror:

The Throne of GOD:

Revelation 4:1-2, Oh wow! What I see takes my breath away! A wide-open door in the heavenly realm! The first thing I heard was the voice addressing me! It was distinct and clear like the sound of a trumpet; It captured my attention, inviting me to enter. "Come on-up here and I will show you how everything coincides with what you have already seen! So here I am, immersed in this unrestricted space of spirit ecstasy. As the vision opens I immediately notice the Throne and One seated upon it.

Revelation 20:11, And I saw a huge white Throne and it was as if heaven and earth fled away from the presence of the One seated upon the Throne and its place was never found again. (This means that there is no accusation in the heavens or upon the earth that could possibly stand in the presence of the Lamb, the One seated upon the Throne of the judgment of righteousness -- his Throne gives testimony and is established upon the legitimacy and authority of humanity's redeemed innocence.

"Having accomplished purification of sins, he sat down!" Hebrews 1:3

There was never a time where GOD'S royal rule was in question. In giving himself as a scapegoat to be murdered by his own creation, he assumes a weakness that does not compromise his authority at all! In the genius of his wisdom he defeats the entire system of judgment under the Law of performance governing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The seeming frailty of the slain Lamb never compromised the authority of the Lion of Judah!)

The Day of the LORD:

Revelation 1:10, I was in a spiritual trance where I witnessed the day of the Lord - I heard a loud voice behind me, clear and distinct, like the sound of a trumpet! ( The day of the Lord is the very day to which the prophetic voice of the Spirit of Christ pointed - Jesus the Messiah, is the fulfillment of that day! Look at 1Peter 1:10-11, where Peter specifically makes mention of this fact that throughout Scripture the Prophets mentioned the day of the Lord as pointing to the sufferings of the Christ and the consequent glory. Their urgent quest was to search out when this would happen and who the Messiah would be. Also in Acts 17:31, Paul addressed the Greek Philosophers and reminds them of their own ancient writings and he quotes two of their well known philosophers: in 600 BC Epimenedes wrote a song saying, "We live and more and have our being in GOD" then Aratus wrote in 300 BC that we are indeed GOD'S offspring! Paul then announces to them, that the GOD whom they worship in ignorance is not far from each one of us! He is not more Emmanuel to the Jew then what he is to the Gentile! Then, in the context of his Jewish background and personal encounter of the revelation of Jesus Christ, Paul declares to them the Good News of humanity's redeemed innocence. "GOD has overlooked the times of ignorance and now is calling all of humanity, whoever and wherever they are, to a radical mind-shift, since he has prophetically fixed a day on which he would judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and of this [righteous judgment] he has given  proof to all by raising his from the dead." Acts 17:30-31. Look also at Romans 4:25 where, in Paul's understanding, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead includes humanity's co-resurrection and seals their acquittal and redeemed innocence. And the extended Notes on Eschatology at the end of Revelation 17.

John 5:25, Oh how I desire for you to get this! The prophetic hour has come! This is the moment for the dead to hear the voice of the Son of GOD - C'mon! Hear and live! (This is what is the result of what the guards saw as recorded by Matthew in chapter 27:51-54, as they watched over the garden tomb, early the first morning of the week. After the stone over the tomb was rolled away. Paul then bears witness to this event in Ephesians 4:8-10, and Colossians 2:8, 9-15) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now may the LORD of all be ever increasing your knowledge of him in both you and yours. Until we visit again, the LORD willing, when we shall pick back up with "Eschatology Redefined and maybe the Son of man is the Son of GOD," as written here in.

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