Sunday, December 8, 2019

Intro 7 to "The Secret of GOD", as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Continuing now from our priestly re-birthed and re-genesised perspective, a new look from that stand point of John's little insightful Revelation of Christ's being as known by GOD. Our own presence awakened as His children again as first seen in Genesis 2. Remember that Jesus represents our humanity, and this does not detract or diminish from His being GOD, which Christ means for us the same as it did for the man Jesus, Joshau, Emmanuel, YHWH, YEHOVAH, paid the full price required as our human form. The totally legal way as demanded by universal law.

The Mirror:

The Theme of the Book:

Revelation 1:9, I am John, your brother and companion in tribulation in the midst of which we are equally participating in the authority of the kingdom and the steadfastness of Jesus Christ (man as GOD; Emmanuel). I was on the Isle of Patmos because of the word of GOD and because of the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Look for the extended notes at the end of Rev. 20)

Revelation 1:17-18, Observing all this, I fell at his feet like a dead man; Then, keeping down, he ordained me with his right hand upon me and said, 'Do not be afraid! I am the origin and the conclusion [eschatology] of all things. I am also the Living One; I became dead and now, see, here I am alive unto the ages of the ages and I have the keys wherewith I have disengaged the gates of [1]Hades and death!' (This profound statement of Jesus in verses 17 & 18 is the platform, theme and focus of this entire book. To distract from these words of Jesus is to miss the point of the Revelation! [1] Look at the commentary note in verse 20 and 2:7 on the gates of Hades.)

Revelation 2:23, The offspring of these 'mindsets,' conceived in your licentious idolatry has no future! I will cause it [1]to utterly perish! And every Ekklesia shall [2]know that i scrutinize the hidden thoughts of the heart. And I will expose every single work of your own doing as judged in (by) my work. ( Look at verse 26 - my works vs your works. To [1]kill in death is a very strong expression, (G615, G848, G5043, G1722, G2288; the author shorten this by dropping G848 and G5043 as it deals religions children as his, Jesus' subjects destroyed)  apokteuno en thanato. The symbolic significance of kill the children of the church's idolatrous adultery in death can only be understood in the context of the unveiling of Jesus (humanity) the Christ (GOD) who already died humanity's death and in that death brought finality and closure to the offspring of humanity's guilt-ridden mindsets that we have inherited from our world systems which were founded in the fruit of the "I-am-not-tree system." He thus broke the spell (as in a witch craft used by the harlot, false prophet and anit-christ) of the claim of judgment and death over the Adamic race. This signifies the death of death. The significance of the implications of Jesus' death cannot be exaggerated! It reaches into the entire past, present and future of human history! The word, [2] ginosontai is the future ingressive punctiliar middle of (G1097, "know") ginosko, meaning, 'we shall certainly come to know,' this confirms the theme of the book of Revelation! The unveiling of Jesus Christ and his finished work will most definitely complete GOD'S purpose of redeeming humanity's lost sense of sonship, value, innocence, identity and royalty in the earth!) (The Mirror, with editing.)

When we next get together we shall the LORD willing  finish the introduction as written in the Mirror Study Bible. Until then may the LORD bring to light all of his wisdom within you and yours is my wish.

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