Wednesday, December 25, 2019

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between chapters part 2-1, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are now taking a look at foot notes of the Mirror Study Bible's author, titled: The Son of Man is the Son of GOD, Food Offered to Idols and The Rod of Iron.

The Son of Man is the Son of GOD [Revelation 1:13]:

Revelation 2:17, "'Your victory is secured in your hearing the word of the Spirit addressing the Ekklesia-feast on the revelation of the hidden manna in the Ark [which prophetically pointed to the Hebrew Messiah-the mystery that was hidden for ages and generations is Christ in you!] I also give you a little white pebble used in the courts of justice, signifying your acquittal-take it as your secret source of strength in the midst of accusation-it has your new name on it! No one knows you by this name, until you [1]realize your own identity reflected in it! (This beautifully reminds of Simon's encounter in Matthew 16, "Blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah for flesh and blood has not known that the son of man is indeed the Son of GOD! Now that you know who I am, allow Me to introduce you to you! Your real name, as son of GOD, is Petros - little stone-son of Petra [the Rock, Exodus 33:21-23, Numbers 20:8, 10, Deuteronomy 32:4, the ryhma stone, Job 32:8, H5397; 2Timothy 3:16, G2315]-yes! You're a chip of the old block! see the notes on John 1:12, Our grasping [1lambano] is simply the awakening to the fact that our genesis is already completed in the Logos. [See John 1:3] The Logos is the source; Everything commences in Him. he remains the exclusive Parent reference to our genesis. There is nothing original, except the Word. We are His offspring. [See Acts 17:28]. "He has come to give us understanding to know Him who is true and to realize that we are in Him who is true." [1John 5:20] We are One! Ephesians 4:1-7.)

The white stone (G3022, G5586)- psephon leuken, is an old word for pebble- from pasao, to rub-which was used in courts of justice; black pebbles for condemning, white for acquitting. (this is still the practice used in secret societies as a means of voting.) The only other use of the word in the NT is in acts 26:10, where Paul speaks of "depositing his pebble" - katenegka psephon - or casting his vote. The white stone with one's name on it was used to admit one to entertainments and also as an amulet of charm. In this is also an allusion here to conquerors in the public games, who were not only conducted with great pomp into the city to which they belonged, but had a white stone given to them, with their name inscribed on it; which badge entitled them, during their whole life, to be maintained at the public expense. There were called tesserae among the Romans, and of these there were several kinds.

Revelation 2:18, Write also to the leader of the Ekklesia in Thuatira; the [1]Son of GOD with eyes ablaze and [2]feet shining like burnished bronze says, ( Here Jesus introduces Himself as the Son of GOD! John sees Him as the son of man in Revelation 1:3; And encircled by the lamp-stands there was one who appeared to be of human offspring, a son of man! Clothed with a long robe and with a golden girdle round His chest." Look at the notes on the Ekklesia at the end of chapter 1.

Here, as in Revelation 1:15, His feet looked like brilliant, burnished bronze fashioned in a furnace. As the Lamb of GOD who presented His body in sacrifice on the Bronze Altar, He descended into mankind's deepest darkness and triumphantly led humanity out into a place where the enemies of the human race are made our footstool! See Hebrews 1:13, "You are the extension of My right hand, My executive authority; Take your position and witness how I make your enemies a place upon which you may rest your feet." 1Corinthians 15:25, "His dominion is destined to subdue all hostility and contradiction under His feet. ( The lowest part of the human body will equally share in this victory. The LORD said to my Lord, 'Sit at My right hand until I make your enemies your footstool" in Psalm 110:1. Jesus is the LORD of lords; In His victory humanity is restored to lordship; 'I say you are gods, all you are son of the Most High." [Psalm 82:6, Matthew 22:42-45.)

John 5:18-28, This was fuel for the fire of Jewish zeal in their determination to execute Jesus! Not only did He break their Sabbath, but now He has gone beyond all extremes! he calls GOD His Father-who does He think he is-GOD'S equal? Jesus explained to them with utmost certainty that whatever they see the Son does, mirror the Father-He does not act independent of His Father-the Son's gaze is fixed in order to accurately interpret and repeat what He sees His Father doing! The one reveals the other without compromise or distraction! (The incarnation, put on human flesh, does not interrupt what the Word was from the beginning-face to face with GOD!)  For the Father and the Son are [1]best of friends! They have no secrets; the Father gladly lets His Son in on everything He does and will continue to show Him works of most significant proportions, which will astound you! (The Father loves [1 phileo] the Son with fondness.) For just as the Father awakens people from their death-sleep and revitalizes them with Zoe-life, even so it pleases the Son to awaken people to His Life! For the Father judges no-one but has given all judgment to the Son! The Father's desire is that all may value the son with the same honor wherewith they esteem Him-there is no distinction-to dishonor the Son is to dishonor the Father. Most certainly do I say to you that this is the vital transition from dead religion into the very life of the ages-embrace the Son's word with the same persuasion as you would the Father;s and you will not know any judgment-the son gives voice to the father! (He is the Father's word (promise) made flesh.) Oh how I desire for you to get this! the prophetic hour has come! This is the moment for the dead to hear the voice of the Son of GOD-C'mon! Hear and live! The [1]very self existence within Father is what he has bestowed upon the Son in order for the Son to [2]radiate the same Zoe-life. (The word [1, G3754 hoti, translated because, a Neuter of G3748, hostis, from G3739 and G5100 ] hosper is from (G3739) hos, in that manner; and per, an enclitic particle significant of abundance [thoroughness], that is emphasis; much, very or ever. The word [2] echo, to have possession of, reminds of the english word echo; thus to resonate, radiate.) The Father has also given the Son of man [1]authentic authority to execute judgment on humanity's behalf! (The word [1, G1849 a compound of G1537 and G1510 ] exousia , often translated authority has two components, (G1537) ek, out of, source and (G1510) eimi, I am!) Do not be alarmed by this, but the hour is coming when those in the [1]graves will hear His voice! ( No-one who ever lived will escape the extent of His righteous judgment! Those who have [1]Forgotten who they are will hear His incarnate voice! The word for gave, [1, G3419 is from G3420] mnēmeion, means memory, suggests a remembrance! Like David prophesies in Psalm 22, when he saw the cross-crisis [krisis - judgment] a thousand years before it happened! His conclusion in verse 27 sums up the triumph of GOD'S resolve! "All the ends of the earth shall [1]remember and turn to the LORD; and all the families of the nations shall worship before Him!" Corinthians 15:21-22, The same humanity who died in a man was raised again in a man. In Adam all died (were put to sleep in a type of death, to be reawakened on the day of the Lord Hosea 6:2-3); in Christ all are made alive.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit we shall the LORD willing look at "Thoughts of food offered to Idols." Until then may the LORD increase our inner knowing and understanding of Him.

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