Monday, December 2, 2019

Intro 1 to "The Secret of GOD", as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

I have been stewing on this for some time now and this is what I've been led to do, use Francois du Toit's introduction to his rendition of Revelation as the intro to this study. He does a fine job of clearing the mystery and air that has surrounded this stand a lone book for ages. I will do this in short segments, just as I have with the other letters. And when completed I will continue with doing the translations comparisons of the KJV verses the ESV. How else will anyone know the err of the KJV, even though many of the translations carry forward the same errors.

From "The Mirror Study Bible:"

The book of Revelation is the unveiling of Jesus Christ as the great Rescurer of the human race. As the slain and risen Lamb of GOD, he fulfilled humanity's destiny with death and judgment! The signifiance of the implications of this cannot be exaggerated! It reaches into the entire past, present and future of human history!

In the immediate context of the time of its writing - about 68 AD - the graphic and prophetic symbolism of Revelation seem to have already played out in the tragic events of 70 AD. However, the central message of this book is of a far more dramatic and timelessly relevant significance.

It unveils the extent of the triumph of the Lamb of GOD in redeeming the innocence, the sense of belonging, inherent value, identity and royalty of the entire human race and securing their Wedlock-union in the Romance of the ages! In his blood he brought closure to an incompetent sacrificial system which failed in its attempt to manage humanity's sinfulness and their sin-consciousness. Jesus Christ who was and is fully GOD and fully man (our humanity), represented us individually; he gave himself as our "Scapegoat" in dying our death, then raised us together within himself in his resurrection. as the first-born (born from above, birth again by GOD) from the dead, he re-birthed us and redeemed our original innocence, in his righteousness. as first-born from the dead, he re-birthed us and redeemed his image and likeness within us!

Colossians 1:26, Humanity's most sought after quest, the mystery which has remained elusive and concealed for ages and generations, is now fully realized in our redeemed innocence.

Colossians 1:27, Within us, GOD is delighted to exhibit the priceless treasure of this glorious unveiling of Christ's indwelling in order that every person on the planet, whoever they are, may now come to the greatest discovery of all time and recognize Christ in themselves as in a mirror! He is the desire of the nations and completes our every expectation! [Haggai 2:6-7]

Colossians 1:28, This is the essence and focus of our message; we awaken and realign everyone's mind, instructing every individual by bringing them into full understanding (flawless clarity) in order that we prove (present) everyone perfect in Christ. (Translating vous + tithemi as to re-align every mind with GOD'S mind.)

The message in the Revelation of the Lamb is not static but dynamic; people across the planet would face challenges at any time of testing and experience temptation to confirm to diabolical religious mindsets at the expense of their true identity and freedom. Sadly history will repeat itself, in "judgments" of horrific proportions until we fully realize the finished work of Jesus and what it was that the Lamb of GOD accomplished when, instead of demanding a sacrifice, he gave hilmself as the required sacrifice and took away the 'sin' of the world-thus bringing hostility and every excuse for separation to an end! Tragedy, crisis and wars are not actions of GOD! Judgment is not GOD'S business! GOD'S business is salvation!

In our next post we shall the LORD willing look at "DATE" and "SYMBOLISM." Until then may the LORD increase our understanding of all that HE IS.

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