Monday, December 16, 2019

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ between chapters part 2 notes, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are about to look at "The Day of the LORD" and its meaning in some depth.

Revelation 1:10, I was in a spiritual trance where I witnessed the [1]day of the LORD - I heard a loud voice [2]behind me, clear and distinct, like the sound of a trumpet! ( The [1] day of the Lord is the very day to which the prophetic voice of the Spirit of Christ pointed - Jesus the Masonic Messiah, was the fulfillment of the day! Look at 1Peter 1:10-11 where Peter specifically makes mention of the fact that throughout Scripture the Prophets mentioned the day of the Lord as pointing to the sufferings of the Christ and the consequent glory. Their urgent quest was to search out when this would happen and who the promised Messiah would be. Also in Acts 17:31, Paul addresses the Greek Philosophers and reminds them of their own ancient writings and he quotes two of their well known philosophers: in 600 BC Epimenedes wrote in 300 BC that we are indeed GOD'S offspring! Paul then announces to them, that the GOD whom they worship in ignorance is not far from each one of us! He was not more Emmanuel to the Jews than what He is Emmanuel to the Nations! Then, in the context of his own Jewish background and personal encounter of the revealed revelation of Jesus Christ, Paul declared to them the Good News of humanity's redeemed innocence. "GOD has overlooked the times of humanity's ignorance and Now is calling global mankind, wherever they are, to a radical mind-shift, since he has prophetically fixed a day on which he would judge the world in righteousness by a man whom He has appointed, and of this [righteous judgment] he has given proof to all by raising Him from the dead." In Paul's understanding, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead included humanity's co-resurrection and seals their acquittal and redeemed innocence. Look also at Ephesians 2:5.

The word [2, G3694 from G3693] opiso, points to that which is behind in place and time (means that it has already taken place). The fact that John hears a word behind him is also significant! It means that what he hears already happened within its prophetic context! Like when Abraham lifted up his eyes and behold, behind him was a ram caught by its horns in the thicket!" Jesus is said to have said, 'Abraham saw my day! Before Abraham was, I am! In John 8:56-58.

Corinthians 1:14, To some extent you have already understood that our joy is mirrored in one another. The day of the Lord Jesus Christ is no longer a distant promise but a fulfilled reality. ( The word (G2509 is from G2505 and G4007), kathaper, comes from (G2505) kata, meaning according to and (G4007) per, which is an enclitic particle significant of abundance and thoroughness which comes from the word (G4008 peran, the accusative case of an obsolete derivation of πείρω peirō (to “peirce”). The use of the Latin enclitic relates to a word that throws an accent back onto the preceding word, which is here translated as mirrored.

The "day of the Lord Jesus Christ," is (G2250) hemera, which is a specific and measured period (short time of visitation). Eastern usage of this term differs from our western usage. Any part of a day is counted as a whole day, hence the expression, "three days and three nights," does not mean literally three whole days, but at least one whole day plus part of two others.

The day of the Lord Jesus is the theme of Scripture as in 1Peter 1:10; This was what the Prophets were studying nad desiring to know. The content of their own messages always pointed them to a day and a person where the promise of redemption would be realized. The sufferings of their Messiah would redeem and release the glory of GOD'S image and likeness within humanity's life; The glory that Adam lost on behalf of the human race, returns. In Acts 17:31, "In the resurrection, GOD gave proof to the redeemed innocence of His humanity; The "day and the person" prophesied was fulfilled in Jesus." Jesus gives context to this day in John 14:20, 'In that day you will know that I am in My Father and you in Me and I in you.')

Look at Zechariah 3:9, 'For behold, upon the stone which I have set before Joshua, upon a single stone with seven facets, I will engrave its inscription, says the LORD of hosts, I will remove the guilt of the earth in a single day.' Then in Isaiah 66:8, "Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment?" Then this in Hosea 6:2, "After two days He will revive us; On the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before Him." Then in Acts 17:31, Romans 4:25, and 1Peter 1:3 more is given.

Note on the Day of the Lord as covered in the introduction of Revelation, also extended notes on The Fullness of Time at the end of chapter 17. (The Mirror, with editing.)

Until our next visit may the LORD increase our understand of Him.

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