Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Intro 2 to "The Secret of GOD", as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are look into the introduction to the small stand alone book of Revelation, the historical account of Christ and his being the hidden but much talked about theme of the Bible. We are about to look at such subtopics as "Date, Symbolism, Prophetic, The Lamb of GOD, The Throne of GOD, The Day of the LORD and many more as they are dealt with by John in this book. And again I am using the Mirror Study Bible for the base of this discourse. And as always should the LORD give more insight I will add it there and then. So lets get about clearing the air and error that surrounds this Prophetic book of the events that began to take place at the ascension of Christ and his Spiritual return as recorded in Acts 2 and there after, this thereafter includes today in eternity.

The Mirror Bible:

Date: The "Syriac version of the NT, which dates back to the second century AD, states that Revelation was written during the reign of Nero bringing a date of 64-68 AD. This date is also confirmed in the "Muratorian Fragment" which dates back to 170-190 AD. A quote, arguably attributed to Papius (130 AD), states that John the Apostle was martyred before the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.

Symbolism: John uses the word (Strong's G4591) semaino in Revelation 1:1 which is an important word to introduce the idea of a symbolic sign; to signify; to picture; to portray. Symbolism and imagery play a significant role throughout the book. John would regularly employ pictures that his mostly Jewish audience was already familiar with in their own prophetic writings.

Prophetic: Revelation 1:10, "I was in a spiritual trance where I witnessed the day of the LORD - I heard a loud voice behind me, clear and distinct, like the sound of a trumpet!"

The fact that John hears a word behind him is so significant! it means that what he hears already happened within us, its prophetic context! This reminds of the incident recorded in Genesis 22:7-8, where Abraham was asked by Isaac, "We have the fire and the wood; but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" Abraham answered, "GOD will provide a lamb for the burnt offering, Son." Then, in Genesis 22:13, we read that Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by its horns! Jesus refers to this in John 8:56-58 when he says, "Abraham saw my day!" And, "Before Abraham was, I am!"

Revelation 1:12, Having turned about to face the voice, I saw seven lamp-stands made out of gold. (John's attention is drawn back to the prophetic context of the OT Scriptures. Exodus 25:36-37, "The entire lamp-stand was fashioned from one piece of hammered, pure gold. Make seven of these lamps for the Table. Arrange the lamps so they throw their light out in front." [prophetic light!] Exodus 25;34, "The lamp-stand itself is to have four flower cups shaped like almond blossoms, with buds and petals." The almond tree is the prophetic tree; of all the trees, it's blossoms awaken first the dead. Jeremiah 1:11-12, "Jeremiah, what do you see? I answered, I see a branch of an almond tree! The the LORD said to me, I am awake over my word to perform it!" The Hebrew word Strong's H8245 שָׁקַד shâqad, means awaken; it is also the word for an almond tree.

The table in the Temple is also a significant theme in the Revelation of Jesus Christ! It clearly points to the New Covenant, Burial-banquet of the Marriage feast of the Lamb!)

Much of what John saw reflected in the Jewish mind as familiar prophetic pointers and symbols. See the prophetic imagery in Ezekiel 1:1-28 mirrored in Revelation 4. The symbolic pictures John sees of judgment would immediately remind his typical Jewish audience of their prophets' imagery about their judgment. This time however, the slaughtered and risen Lamb brings brand new context too! Israel's unfaithfulness is met and eclipsed by GOD'S faithfulness. The Lamb's death and resurrection confirms every idea of judgment that was mankind's due.

Revelation 1:19, Now therefore, without delay, give accurate account in documenting, everything that you have seen; Both as they are and also what their immediate, intentional context has brought about. It is important to see the relevance in mirror-matching all these things, both in their prophetic context as well as in their fulfillment.

Revelation 10:11, And he said to me, Necessity is laid upon you to now disclose with new insight the prophetic word again - this prophecy's time has come and is now relevant and you will declare it before many people and different nations and their kings in their specific mother tongue languages.

Revelation 12:10, Then I heard a very loud voice in the heavens announcing, This is the moment which the entire prophetic word pointed to and culminates in; It is the realization of humanity's salvation. The power of the kingdom of our GOD and its authority is endorsed in the I-am-ness of his Christ. The business of accusation is bankrupted. The 24/7 industry of condemning the brotherhood of humanity before the face of GOD has been annihilated, by exoneration.

Revelation 22:10, He told me not to seal this conversation in futuristic, prophetic language since it's time has come!  (The Mirror, with editing.)

Until our next visit may the LORD confirm within you and yours all that He is. In our next post we shall look at "The Lamb of GOD."

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