Sunday, December 15, 2019

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between chapters part 1, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

I am now going to look at the notes of Francois du Toit as he has written between chapters 1 and 2 in his Mirror Study Bible, he has them broken down as: the number seven, the day of the LORD, and Ekklesia. He has touched on these in his discourse of the witness of John's Revelation of Christ and other kingdom gospels.

Notes on the Number Seven:

The number seven is most significant in the context of its reference to the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-3). The Sabbath, both in its prophetic shadow throughout the OT Scriptures and now in its substance in the person of Jesus Christ, is a constant reminder of GOD'S celebration of humanity's perfection and completeness-behold, everything that He made, "'was very good!'"

Thus the number seven was regarded by the Hebrews as a sacred number, and it is throughout Scripture the covenant number, the sign of GOD'S covenant relation to humanity. "Seven is the number of every grace and benefit bestowed upon Israel; Which is thus marked as flowing out of the covenant, and a consequence of it. All the feasts are ordered by seven, or else by seven multiplied into seven, and thus made more intense. Thus it is with the Sabbath, the Passover, the Feast of Weeks, of Tabernacles, the Sabbath-year, and the Jubilee." Taken in part from Vincent's Word Studies.

In the book of Revelation the prominence of the number is marked. To a remarkable extent the scripture structure of this book is molded by the use of numbers, especially of the number seven, four, and three. There are seven spirits before the Throne; Seven churches; Seven golden candlesticks; Seven stars in the right hand of Him who is the son of man; Seven lamps of fire burning before the Throne; Seven horns and seven eyes of the Lamb; Seven seals of the book; And the thunders, the heads of the great Dragon and of the Beast from the sea, the angels with the trumpets, the plagues, and the mountains which are the seat of the mystic Babylon,-are all seven in number.

Look also at Isaiah 45:23, I have [1]swprn by myself; The word of my mouth has [2]begotten righteousness; This cannot be reversed. Every knee shall bow to Me and every tongue shall echo My oath! (The Hebrew word (H7650), שָׁבַע shâba‛, means to seven oneself, that is, swear - thus in the Hebrew mind, by repeating a declaration seven times one brings an end to all dispute! Look also at Hebrews 6:13, 16-17. Look at Philippians 2:10-11. Extended notes on the Oath at the end of Revelation 10. The Hebrew word (H3318), יָצָא yâtsâ', can be translated, begotten like in Judges 8:30. Thus, speak with the same certainty, sourced in me! ) (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit we shall, the LORD willing, take up the next note on the day of the LORD.
Until then may the LORD increase our understanding of all things now spiritual acquired through Him.

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