Sunday, May 17, 2015

Thessalonians part 52

Before I move forward allow me to say this about the Ten Commandments, they stand alone as they are. But as is the usual standard or pattern used of GOD'S doing. He repeats His points throughout scripture by repetition, often with expansion of explenation and sometimes within the same paragraph to make His point clear. He also made good use of His Prophets as He gave the same message not just to one but to another sometimes in a little different language or illustration, often in symbolic language. All are for our learning and understanding of a thing. Especially for those who are hard of hearing. Because of a hardheartedness or bitterness of heart within us. This hardheartedness is the nature of the beast or Satan himself and is devilish at its best. And this has caused many to stumble when studying GOD'S Revelation of Christ, which is hidden within the context of all scripture. Until this nature has been properly dealt with supernaturally by God's hand we will never reach God's intended perfection, our Salvation. There is a phrase often used but seldem understood and it is this, “we must all die to self” or “put self to death.” God is more concerned with our heart condition than our flesh condition, this can be seen in the widow who gave all that she had, her two small coins. Because her heart was right before God Jesus used her to illustrate a greater good. Because this is an action of our own will. She illustrated someone who had made a consciense discission to honor God with her heart, thusly she gave her best and all to Him. This is why Jesus told those around Him that the poor you will always have with you, not that we are poor by the worlds standards but because we seek ways to honor God from our poverty of soul. Knowing that when we reach His Home prepared for us He will repay us one hundred fold because we Love as He Loves. Being no respector of persons. You have seen me say, the willing. As it is not the function of church membership or Religion as some presume and even teach. Neither is it inherited from our parents or grandparents though they can set and establish a standard before our eyes, as in “training up a child in the way he should go,” kind of thing. Therefore it remains the operation of GOD'S Spirit within each of us that causes us to become, THE WILLING. This is NOT an emotional hype or any other such thing that many experience in a church service or setting, where mans own soul moves upon others and believe me this is what happens more times than not. Watchman Nee, wrote of it in a book called, “The Latent Power of the Soul,” which is very enlighting to say the lest. Therefore it has to remain a GOD thing in order for it to benefit us as He purposes. After all man does not live by bread alone but rather by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD. It is Spiritual! Anything otherwise is dead works, which bring death to mans flesh and this is NOT GODS intent. Matters not if you use any of the following terms to speak of HIM, EL, Elohim or Allah, as these are titles along with other Hebrew terms of expression. The other thing I need to touch upon it the use of GOD for god. All forms of the word god are NOT the same nor do they identify with our original Parent, so we must be very full of care and descerning when making refernce to HIM. For many have used the term for a demon and given credit to a demon when it was GOD the Holy Spirit at work.

Next I will look at the falsehood that turns Truth into a lie. This is manifeasted by false: witness, balance, tongue, report, prophets, and science.

First the false witness as seen in Psalm 27:12 and keeping with my usual habit I'll begin with verse 11 to optain the complete thought, but instead I'll look at verse 7 through 14: “Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When You said, Seek My face; My heart I said to You, Your face, LORD, will I seek. Hide not Your face from me; put not Your servant away in anger: You are my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies. Deliver me not over to the will of my enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. Unless I had believed to see the goodness and Truth of the LORD in the land of the living. I wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”
In our selected verse we see that the fasle witnesses breath out cruelties. This
is becoming ever more apparent these days as we have many such people on the scene or stage of life in many areas of this evil world. In fact this is a way of life for many countries under their tyranny and oppression. Here in America they are all around us and we can hear their vial language and many heresies proclaimed as so much clammer and noises because of bitterness and hardness of heart within them. Even from the platform of public opinion and out crys of hatred within the halls of higher education and the pulpits of many Religions, to the radicals of ISIL who spring from the loins of the Muslims. Mans Religions foster those of such theologies and idealogies and they spread their poisons to all who will take action upon such, often blindly and in deed ignorance. Because there is NO Truth within them and if there is it is suppressed, which is the cause of bitterness. As with the Priests of Judaism there is only a deadness of heart within and the LORD Jesus uses them to reveal this pattern.

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